Phil. Daily Inquirer - April 8,
Regine, 14 Years Later
by Nestor U. Torre

When Regine Velasquez launched
her singing career 14 years ago, she had
a strong voice and a pretty face- but that was about it. She had to be taught
how to use her golden voice for maximum artistic and commercial effect, to
gesture, feel and interpret a song, and to look her best in terms of
wardrobe, hair and make-up.
Early Days
During those early days, she was dolled up to a fault,
wearing voluminous,
big-shouldered dresses and sporting stiffly lacquered hairstyles that made
her look trying-hard rather than truly sultry or sophisticated.
But music lovers generally chose to overlook the distracting packaging and
instead focused on her singing, which continued to improve- except for her
predilection for unleashing big bursts of sound to zap listeners where they
lived and breathed.
Even this wasn't completely Regine's "fault,"
since local pop-musical
tradition practically requires belters to scream and shout to impress their
Then Regine dared to "invade" the movies, and that was where she
in a major way. She was being packaged as a young beauty who sang well, but
when the camera took a huge close-up of her face, the way she stared
(locally, it's called banlag) looked "off," and therefore distracting,
specially during love scenes. So Regine's progress as a movie star was a
In any case, she had her singing to fall back on, and as
chanteuse and
belter, she gained more fans. Then came an offer for her to audition for a
major role in London's hit musical, "Miss Saigon." Her supporters were
excited for her because the musical could open doors for her
But everyone was frustrated to learn that Regine had
decided to turn down
the invitation. Speculations were rife on why she had had a change of
heart-or cold feet. She wasn't sure enough of herself to "risk"
abroad, she didn't want to wear the bikini costume required- whatever the
real reason was, Regine had said no to a great opportunity, and her loyal
followers were disappointed.
Still, Regine had enough work to do here, so she didn't
have that much time
to brood. Musically, she sounded even better and had learned to vary her
vocal attack, so her singing wasn't as uniformly loud as it used to be. She
had also learned to dress well and no longer wore outfits that didn't fit
Despite these improvements, however, it was still felt that, as a
performer, Regine was not yet her own person. She was good at following
instructions, but she didn't seem to know how to make her songs truly her
Perhaps it was because she was a conservative, demure and
obedient young
woman who didn't live in the big city, so she wasn't all that with-it,
in-the-know and self-aware.
Then Regine finally fell in love, and there was a decided change in her.
Even if the affair didn't last long and ended badly, she had learned
first-hand what the "love" she had been singing about all those years
really felt like and meant. Thus, her singing acquired greater insight,
glow, pain and vulnerability.
Even her self-awareness changed. She no longer
concentrated on trying to
please everybody, and finally saw the importance of pleasing herself. With
this came a heightened sense of individuality that improved not just her
singing but also her hosting and acting skills.
That's why, when she made her movie comeback, she wisely chose to do it not
as a breathless screen beauty but as a kook. That way, her eye
wasn't a big issue anymore, and audiences delighted in the zest and bite of
her performance.
Biggest Challenge
Regine also tried to make it as a singer abroad, and
experienced some
success in the Asian region. But the biggest challenge is making it in the
United States and Europe, like Anggun and Coco Lee, and Regine still has
her work cut out for her to break into the international mainstream.
The fact that she's turning 30 only makes the challenge more daunting, but
Regine's fans hope that she'll still give it a try, because they feel that,
vocally, she has what it takes.
In any case, even if music centers in the west don't
welcome her with open
arms, she still has a busy stellar performing career in the Philippines and
in Asia, as singer, movie actress, TV host and hit recording artist. Best
of all, at 30, Regine has finally found herself-and likes what she sees!

We got faith in you Regine!

And I got a hundred dollar bet
on you. hehe . .
song playing : " Make It With
You " by

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