Yip, yip, yippee ...

Regine taming a
couple young rappin' bulls.

- Regine with Aga
and Jaya -

charms Pops
date- Aga.
(Edu Masano look-alike?)
The fans ate it up. But I was expecting our new boy
Robin Padilla to get on stage. (I heard you sing
the queen of Soul was fab! Unfortunately didn't
think Pops
deserved her title and proceeded to
Regine -the
Concert Queen.
And we all know what happened next . . .
The War of the Roses "
I advised all other singers
from now on to just sing
and leave the fan stuff to the fans to argue about.
Don't give writers any reasons to start anything
because they'll just have a field day with it.
Regine already had
her own tag/title she earned a decade ago
in case you never really paid it much attention to it till now.
She was and still
is known as our 'best' female artist. So it goes
without saying between us fans that it includes all the other
titles out there combined. And she has always been humbled
and dignified about it. So why don't we followed her example
and be that way to. Let's stop rubbing it in with the 'other'
artists and just enjoy her music without prejudice to others.
( just
'listen without prejudice.' hehe
. . good pun )
You don't need to
hear Regine herself tell you that.
do you?
And boy, she was
good that night wasn't she?
Ok. Back to the excitement . . .

More than
35,000 plus people
attended the 2-nights of music.
It was a record I heard but seen nothing in the papers
Q- Who do you
see for stuff like that?
I'll never forget when I came
in late once to see a show of hers
and my seat was taken by this beautiful girl and her date. Apparently,
he had a ticket for that area but not her. And he wanted to make some
deal about me taking her seat somewhere in the back while she stayed
with him up front. He even pulled out a 500.00 bill for my troubles.
Well gee, golly be wow. I certainly didn't want this woman to be sent
all the way to the back and I'll have to sit next to this 'wise guy'
all night. So I did what any other dude would. I told him why don't
he go sit in the back and I'll stay up front here and keep his date company.
They both got up and went to the back.
I kind of felt bad about it. I really did. But darn it, I went to some
great lengths to get that close a seat. Maybe if it was any other artist
I would have. Right? Besides, he should have gotten seats together
and cut his lose on her ticket. But no, he had try and be slick.
Yet, I still felt bad about it during the show. That is till Regine sang
right by my row and started glancing around. And when I was able to get
that covert 'nod of recognition' from her as she looked my way while
was singing- All the guilt disappeared real fast. "How sweet it is."
As for that
wise-guy. Serves him right.
I'm glad she didn't sit with me.
Ok. So I'm lying . .
But at the moment when Regine looked over at me I would
have probably covered the girl's head with a McDonald's bag
right there and then.
did I kill
enough space . .
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