Regine In
L . A .
Looking for the perfect Mr. Alright?
( Looking for Mr. Good Bar )
Regine and the Doc
( from Back To The Future )

" Nope. Not this guy. He's ok. Just too old now."

Nah, sure
he's a fox. But he's a cartoon too. hehe..
Regine meets a
real movie star .. Mr. Jaws

" Hello, In there . ."
Sorry Regine -
Looks like Jaws got to that Mr. Right before you did . .
Safe Kiss for James Bond

Some men are plastic they say?
That's one even worst Regine,
he's just card board . .
Well, no Mr. Right here in L.A.
Better get back to the Philippines.
I got a feeling he's somewhere back there.
You don't mind men with Beer bellies do you?